Business news

Black Stack Chimney Sweep – A local chimney sweeping business 

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1st Aug 2023

Black Stack Chimney Sweep is on a mission to help local Lisburn residents and businesses tackle their chimney needs. Whether it’s chimney sweeping or blockage removal, they are the local experts for high quality chimney maintenance. 

From saving money on fuel costs, to reducing the risk of chimney fires, Black Stack Chimney Sweep is providing a much needed service and ensuring that local chimneys are functioning efficiently and safe to use. 

Black stack chimney sweep is a local chimney sweeping service based in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. They have been providing professional chimney sweeping services to Lisburn residents and surrounding areas since 2014. 

They continue to build a reputation as trusted service and top quality chimney sweeps. Their essential service is helping local residents and businesses:

  • Save on energy costs.
  • Reduce the risk of chimney fires.
  • Reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Reduce the risk of damaged infrastructure.
  • Remove bird nests. 

Chimney sweep service to save on fuel costs 

Fuel costs within Ireland and the U.K. have become increasingly more expensive in recent years, some experts are suggesting that fuel prices will not come down until the end of 2024.

Local NI businesses and residents are finding it more and more difficult to heat their premises efficiently and in a cost effective manner. 

A blocked chimney will cause poor air circulation and it will require you to use more fuel in order to heat the home or business premises. A chimney sweeping service will ensure that your chimney is working in a fully functional and efficient manner, saving on your overall fuel costs. 

As a general rule of thumb, it is suggested that you should sweep chimneys that burn:

  • Wood: once per season when in use
  • Bituminous coal: Twice per year
  • Oil: Once per year
  • Gas: Once per year
  • Smokeless coals: at least once per year

However, in the interests of saving on fuel and energy costs, you might want to consider a chimney sweeping service sooner rather than later. Black Stack Chimney Sweep is helping their customers prepare for high fuel costs by ensuring that their chimneys are fully operational. 

Black Stack Chimney Sweep also provides customers with their cowl installation service. These are metal ventilators that are attached to the top of a chimney. It’s not obligatory to have one, but they are recommended for protecting your home and helping you to get the best out of your wood burner, multi-fuel stove or open fire. 

Chimney sweeping to reduce the risk of chimney fires

Chimney fires pose a great risk to life and to the building’s infrastructure. They can quickly become uncontrollable as the soot and creosote build-up act as flammable substances that fuel the fire. 

Black Stack Chimney Sweep have taken an active stance on preventing chimney fires from occurring in the local community. They have been spreading information surrounding the potential risks of poor chimney maintenance and they have been providing chimney sweeping services to help prevent the build up of flammable by-products. 

Reducing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning 

Carbon monoxide poisoning poses a serious threat to life, it can cause serious illness and even lead to death in some cases.

If carbon monoxide is present in your residence, it can be hard to detect as it does not contain any smell or colour. Carbon monoxide alarms can help detect if the gas is present, but the best way to avoid it, is to prevent factors that might contribute to carbon monoxide poisoning ever happening in the first place. 

Black Stack Chimney Sweep has helped their customers reduce the likelihood of carbon monoxide poisoning by providing effective chimney sweeping services. They professionally  remove soot and creosote build up and ensure that dangerous and poisonous gases can escape safely. 

Reducing the risk of damaged infrastructure

Chimney fires and poor chimney maintenance can cause the building’s infrastructure to become damaged, which can be costly to repair or replace. 

Even if the fire is not in use, bird nests and blockages can still occur within the chimney, which wreaks havoc on its infrastructure. A damaged chimney can also cause falling debris to occur inside and it can even result in damage to your roof if it is left untreated. 

Black Stack Chimney Sweep has been advocating for regular chimney maintenance and inspection to ensure that chimneys are safe, operational and pose little/no health hazard for its residents.

Removing bird nests

Jackdaws, Rooks and Starlings are the usual culprit of birds that are found residing in your chimney, they take shelter and build nests in the chimney’s flue. Although the danger of bird nests within your chimney is quite serious.

The bird residing there may become trapped and their dry nests could potentially catch flame and cause a chimney fire. This could also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and cause damage to the building’s infrastructure. 

Black Stack Chimney Sweep provides an excellent bird nest removal service. They recognise signs of birds nests and they have years of experience in removing multiple bags of feathers, twigs, rubbish and other debris.

Black Stack Chimney Sweep Services 

Black Stack Chimney Sweep is a local business with years of experience in Chimney sweeping services and maintenance. They use traditional and power sweeping methods in order to ensure the best possible outcome for the cleaning of your chimney’s flue. 

After each sweep, they also perform a smoke evacuation test, this involves lighting smoke pellets to track the smoke’s path and ensure that it escapes through the appropriate chimney vents. Giving you that extra peace of mind in that your chimney is in working order and has been efficiently serviced.

Black Stack Chimney Sweep has gained a local reputation for providing a trusted and reliable chimney sweeping service. In addition to providing a high-quality service, they also advise customers on tips for looking after the chimneys and spotting signs of damage or blockage. 

If you would like to request a chimney sweep servicing from Black Stack Chimney Sweep, you can get in touch with them here.