
UUEPC Research – Is remote working, working in Northern Ireland?

Posted By:
Ulster University Business School

31st Jul 2023

Ulster University Economic Policy Centre release new research into remote working in Northern Ireland with insights from both NI employers and employees.

  • Levels of homeworking across the UK in 2023 have more than doubled compared to pre-pandemic, 31.3% compared to 14.4% in 2019. Yet, the uptake of remote working in NI is the lowest of all 12 UK regions at 17.3%.
  • Yet remote working in NI has more than halved since pandemic peak, 41% in 2019 vs 17% in 2023
  • As a modern workforce, the value of offering remote working, prioritising employees’ flexibility and well-being has become as important as salary offers.
  • Read full report here – UUEPC Publications (ulster.ac.uk)