Peer learning Policy

In Camera with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA)

Ticket Quantity:

Subtotal: £25

Please get in touch with a member of our team if you need to purchase tickets.

NI Chamber, in partnership with SSE, invites you to an ‘In Camera’ event on Tuesday 21 November with Alison Allen, CEO at the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA). She will be joined by NILGA Office Bearers and David Burns, Chief Executive of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Chair of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE). 

This is an opportunity for NI Chamber members to engage with NILGA and local councils, to outline how local government is supporting business in their areas and local economic growth.

The discussion will focus on:

  • The role of councils as leaders of place and providers of important public services that deliver social, economic and environmental well-being for citizens and businesses.
  • How local government is driving City Deals.
  • The local government financial context and the drivers of transformation and innovation in councils.
  • The importance of facilitating partnership across the public, private and third sector to maximise collective skill, knowledge and capability.
  • The challenges and opportunities of the local government regulatory environment in areas like planning, waste and environmental health.
  • Getting the public sector economic growth and prosperity eco-system right – exploring the roles of councils, Civil Service departments and Invest NI.

Breakfast will be provided.