Power BI is a visually innovative reporting tool that lets you experience your data in real time – with the interactive dashboards you can produce, you will report and analyse your business in a 360 degree perspective.
The many new functionalities facilitate integration of external data, providing a whole new experience of your company data.
What Benefits Will I Get From a Mullan Training Course?
In our Belfast Power BI training courses, you will learn how to utilise the many tools available to you, including:
- Data Visualisation & Analysis
- Interactive Reporting
- Financial Overview
- User-Friendly Mobility
- Connect to data in Excel, SQL, Power Pivot, etc
Take-up on our online courses has proved to be high & very successful, with delegates able to join from home or work.
Our trainers have worked in industry and developers/ analysts and so bring invaluable experience to each course.
Power BI Training – by mullanITtraining.co.uk
Amelia Street, Belfast, Belfast, BT2 7GS , United Kingdom
Tel: +4428 9032 2228
Email: info@mullantraining.com