Business news

Veolia achieves Gold level in BITCNI Business and Biodiversity Charter

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4th Jul 2023

Veolia Northern Ireland is delighted to announce that they have achieved Gold Level in the Business in the Community and Ulster Wildlife Business and Biodiversity Charter.

The Business and Biodiversity Charter promotes sustainable practices among businesses, encouraging them to integrate biodiversity considerations into their operations by providing a framework for businesses to engage with biodiversity.

Veolia NI is incredibly proud to have achieved the Gold level, which reflects their ongoing efforts to minimise their environmental impact and create a sustainable future. Veolia’s commitment to biodiversity and nature is fully aligned to the Veolia purpose of becoming the benchmark company for Ecological Transformation.

As part of their Biodiversity Strategy Veolia NI completed Baseline Assessments for all their sites and full Ecological Management Plans were carried out on their sites designated as ecologically sensitive locations.

Biodiversity training has been rolled out for all employees and the Veolia NI teams have been busy creating biodiversity green corridors to protect biological diversity across their sites.

As a business supporter of the All Ireland Pollinator Plan, Veolia has also committed to carrying out pollinator-friendly actions and reporting on them each year.

Through their Veolia Connect Community Funding programme, Veolia has, in 2023, supported two Environmental Conservation programmes, the Bradkeel Social Farm who are creating a wildlife friendly pond in their community garden and Newry & District Anglers Association with their Algae Removal Project.

Veolia encourages biodiversity volunteering days and their chosen charity partner is Groundwork. Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK.