Business news

Turnover doubles at AD Sustainability

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Ad Sustainability Consultancy Ltd

17th Jan 2024

AD Sustainability, an Environmental, ESG and Sustainability consultancy based in County Antrim, saw turnover more than double last year.

The consultancy, now in its 11th year, saw particular growth in its carbon planning and energy support offering to its diverse client base.

This growth resulted in the company recruiting an additional three full-time consultants during the period.

AD Sustainability’s Founder and Lead Consultant Adrian Davis commented:

‘We were delighted with company performance last year with plans and targets in place for 2024 and beyond to increase turnover further still.

All staff have been incentivised to contribute to our growth, with their individual objectives complementing overall company targets.

I have worked in the environmental and sustainability space now for almost 26 years and have never seen the interest as high.
It is only going to get more important, particularly in relation to carbon planning demands from customers to their supply chains.
If a business supplies into large customers, it is likely that they are already seeing this coming through. Businesses need to get ahead of the curve on this as the demands will only get more onerous. Carbon planning was our largest growth area last year.’

Growth plans for AD Sustainability were enhanced in August last year when it was invited to join Invest NI’s Ambition to Grow programme. The company sees this as a game changer for the business in the coming years as it is now a direct Invest NI client.

Further information on our consultancy and the support services we offer can be found on our LinkedIn page and our website