Shaping Our Electricity Future consultation – still time to respond!

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10th Jun 2021

In March of this year, electricity transmission system operator SONI launched a major public consultation on the future of the power grid in Northern Ireland.

The ‘Shaping Our Electricity Future’ consultation provides four draft approaches setting out how SONI can deliver a network that will handle greater levels of renewable electricity over the next ten years and beyond.

Achieving this will be critical if we are to meet a future target of at least 70% renewable electricity consumption in Northern Ireland by 2030, which will mean doubling the amount of renewable electricity generation currently on the system.

This is a huge challenge which will affect everyone, and each draft approach set out by SONI involves different factors to be considered.

You can get involved and have your say in the consultation before it closes at 12 noon on Monday 14th June 2021.

Further information and details on how to respond can be found via SONI’s online consultation portal here: