Business news

Phoenix Energy fuels unique sports programme for local schools

Posted By:
Phoenix Energy

28th Jun 2023

Phoenix Energy has launched a new partnership with Sport Changes Life, which aims to provide primary school pupils with opportunities to take part in sport while also tackling the climate challenge.

Sport Changes Lifework in local communities to help young people to build self-belief, achieve success and shape a positive future.  The partnership with Phoenix Energy will enable them to deliver workshops in ten primary schools across Belfast and County Down, which incorporate exciting sports activities with environmental themes, and encourage participants to consider how their actions can have a positive impact on climate change.

Speaking from one of the workshops at Knocknagoney Primary School, Jonathan Martindale, Director of Business Development at Phoenix Energy said:

“At Phoenix Energy we are aware of our responsibility to help protect the environment and as we embark on our own journey to net zero by looking at renewable gas solutions, we are always looking for ways to reach out to young people as well, and educate them about environmental issues. This partnership with Sports Changes Life is the perfect way to engage with primary school pupils about the world around us, and teach them about some of the challenges our planet is facing.

“Combining games and activities with environmental measures, such as using recycled materials as equipment, is a really engaging way to inspire the next generation to be aware of their responsibility in tackling the climate crisis. It may be a small step, but it instills the importance of playing our part in protecting the environment at an early age – plus it’s great fun!”

Interactive workshops, thought-provoking discussions and practical sessions using only recycled materials will be delivered in the schools by experienced professionals from Sports Changes Life. They aim to inspire pupils to become proactive environmental stewards and agents of change. Michael McCabe, Head of Business Development at Sports Changes Life added:

“We firmly believe in the transformative power of sports as a catalyst for positive change. With this project, we are leveraging the influence of sports to raise environmental consciousness and promote responsible practices among our future leaders.

“By teaming up with Phoenix Energy, renowned for their commitment to sustainability and community development, we are combining our shared values and expertise to create a profound impact on the lives of young individuals and the communities they belong to. The sport-led sessions will not only engage students in physical activities but also educate them about the importance of preserving our planet and the role each one of us plays in building sustainable communities.”

For more information on the work of Phoenix Energy visit or to find out more on Sports Changes Lives go to