Business news


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Magheramorne Estate

1st Jan 2024

Local family-owned business Magheramorne Estate is celebrating a milestone in their success welcoming 10,000 visitors to their eco-friendly ‘Magic and Mistletoe Christmas Trail’.  The festive event that started just four years ago, was born out of a necessity for the business to survive the Covid pandemic of 2020.

This year also sees the Estate expand on its sustainability strategy putting measures in place to enhance their environmental credentials not just for this occasion, but for the many weddings, private and corporate events that it hosts throughout the year.

“The success of ‘The Magic and Mistletoe Trail’ in its first year, encouraged the team at Magheramorne to develop the outdoor Christmas experience, “says Jane Allen, Managing Director. “We never imagined it would grow to the scale it is now, but with that comes the risk of generating large amounts of waste. The management team is extremely interested in agriculture and farming, so we are particularly committed to operating an environmentally responsible and sustainable business here at Magheramorne Estate.”

“Every year we re-purpose trees that have fallen in the grounds to build the wooden structures throughout the trail, all of the festive costumes are made using second hand clothes and props are re-used year after year with any additions coming from re-purposed and refurbished materials,” explains Jane Allen.

“This year we have invested in enamel mugs and re-usable trays for serving hot food and drinks and this alone will halve the amount of waste going to landfill.  All the Christmas trees used will be mulched down and recycled into the beautiful gardens at Magheramorne Estate and we have plans in place that, in time, all power will be facilitated from a hydro source.”