
Learn how your organisation can get involved with Tall Ships Youth Trust

Posted By:
Lanyon Group

1st May 2024

Headquartered in Portsmouth, the Tall Ships Youth Trust (TSYT) is a youth development charity that helps young people aged 12-25 to redefine their horizons through transformational adventures at sea.

Formed in 1956, it is the UK’s oldest and largest youth development sail training charity, targeting areas via links to port cities, such as Belfast.

TSYT brings a cross-section of young people to work and live together in a unique, physically and mentally challenging residential environment. Everyone sets off on a level playing field with no preconceived ideas regarding backgrounds or abilities. Its vision is to empower young people to realise their full potential, supporting them on their journey to adulthood and for some, careers in the maritime sector and blue economy.

During a voyage, the young people develop a range of skills, which can be transferred to their day-to-day lives to help them overcome barriers and thrive. Working together as a team, they grow in confidence and self-esteem and see a significant improvement in their communication and leadership skills.

Please join us on 16 May 2024 to learn more about the work TSYT plans to undertake in Northern Ireland and how your organisation could get involved.

You may be interested in looking at a recent social impact report which highlights the work of TSYT and how it could align with your organisation’s wider ESG strategy.

If you have any questions, or to organise a meeting with the TSYT team, please do not hesitate to get in touch.