The Equality Commission is proud to support Pride 2021.
Speaking about Pride 2021, Chief Commissioner, Geraldine McGahey said: “As always we are delighted to support Pride. As we deal with the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, it is great that Pride is happening this year both online and live.
“Pride provides us with a dedicated opportunity each year, to take time out of our busy lives to celebrate just how far we have come in Northern Ireland with our friends, family and colleagues in the LGBT community. It is a time to celebrate the increasing diversity of our society and to promote and protect the rights that this community have fought so hard to achieve.
“Unfortunately we know that discrimination and prejudice against our LGBT community still exists. Recent PSNI statistics show that both homophobic incidents and crimes are at their highest level since 2004-05, while transphobic incidents also increased. Much work remains to be done.
“We must continue to challenge this behaviour when and where it happens. We remain committed to working with statutory bodies, government departments and other bodies to this end. We encourage members of the LGBT community to contact us for advice about their equality rights – we are here to help!
“Hopefully next year we will be able to celebrate again together in person. But regardless of whether it is online or live, Pride is a day for us to celebrate and promote equality, respect and dignity for all of our LGBT community,” concluded Ms McGahey.