Better by Bus, Translink Apprentices Successfully Complete Apprenticeship at SRC

Posted By:
Southern Regional College

29th Jun 2021

Translink’s second cohort of Bus and Coach Apprentices have recently finished their Level 3 IMI Principles of Bus and Coach Engineering and Maintenance (Body) at Southern Regional College (SRC). Translink and SRC worked together to develop a bespoke programme to meet the specific needs of their industry, resulting in the delivery of Bus and Coach Qualifications to a number of their apprentices.

This work based NVQ is a motor industry qualification that covers activities that relate to bus and coach engineering maintenance technicians. It assesses the skills and knowledge that technicians working within this area need to perform their job role effectively.

The students attend College one day per week and work within Translink the remaining 4 days. This model provides on-the-job skill development and gives the student the experience and qualifications to develop a dynamic and fulfilling career.

Congratulations to Conor Browne, Thomas Colhoun and Michael Magee who successfully completed both level 2 and 3 qualifications. SRC look forward to welcoming a fresh cohort of apprentices in September to embark on level 2 IMI Principles of Bus and Coach Engineering and Maintenance (Body).

The Business Support and Innovation team within SRC are dedicated to working with industry clients to deliver a wide range of occupational training programmes – both accredited and bespoke programmes. The team also have a range of Innovation Technology Specialists who can help clients to develop new ideas, products and services. For further information about how SRC can help your business, contact the team on 028 3839 7778 or 028 302 59664 or email