NI Chamber Energy Forum in partnership with SONI

Please get in touch with a member of our team if you need to purchase tickets.

Your organisation may have exceeded the allocated amount of tickets available per organisation

NI Chamber, in partnership with SONI, is hosting its fourth Energy Forum event which provides a bridge between energy providers and large energy users in Northern Ireland. The Energy Forum meets four times per year to share best practice on energy efficiency and inform businesses on the significant changes that lie ahead including securing critical planning permission for the North/South Interconnector, and ISEM (Integrated Single Electricity Market), the harmonising of cross border trading arrangements across Europe which will change the way electricity is traded and the way generating capacity is managed.

Speakers Include:
Meabh Cormacain, Manager at Northern Ireland Renewables Industry Group (NIRIG)… An Industry Update
John Toner, Group Chairman & CEO at Williams Industrial Services (WIS)… The Business Case for Renewables
Joris Minne… The Fair Head Tidal Project
Andrew Ryan, ?Partner at TLT Solicitors… Renewables, Regulation and Brexit

Please note this forum is limited to NI Chamber members and places are limited to one place per company.