International Collaborative Forum: All-Island Trade

Please get in touch with a member of our team if you need to purchase tickets.

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Trade between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland has increased substantially. The value of Northern Ireland goods exported to the Republic of Ireland increased by 65% in 2021, estimated at almost £3.35bn. Strong growth in predicted again for 2022.

On Tuesday 29 March, NI Chamber and our International Champions invite NI businesses to join a practical breakfast event, where they will learn more about the practicalities of trading with the Republic of Ireland and the potential growth opportunities which exist. Delegates will have the opportunity to hear from a panel of speakers, network with peers and access the experts in the room.

At this event you will receive an insight on key areas such as:
• An economic overview of all-island trade, covering all sectors.
• Learn about the implications of an increase to the UK corporation tax rate and how this will impact NI businesses.
• Hear how employers are dealing with the post-Covid hybrid working model in relation to cross-border workers.
• Receive a practical perspective on all-island agri-food security.

Member rate: FREE
Non-Member rate: £50 + VAT

For more information, please contact