Incoterms 2020 Training 6 – CANCELLED

Please get in touch with a member of our team if you need to purchase tickets.

Your organisation may have exceeded the allocated amount of tickets available per organisation

Incoterms are a set of rules which define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the delivery of goods under sales contracts. Shippers worldwide use standard trade definitions (Incoterms) to spell out who is responsible for the shipping, insurance and tariffs on an item.

Incoterms can impact on a number of areas of a company’s operations, including sales, accounts, shipping, operations, compliance and customer service. At the beginning of 2020 we saw the introduction of the latest version of Incoterms known as “ICC Incoterms 2020” as the terms are updated every 10 years.

With the new administrative requirements for trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it is important that businesses have a clear understanding of Incoterms and establish the correct term with their seller. The NI Chamber Incoterms 2020 course focuses on the history and background of Incoterms, while establishing the key definitions and providing an overview of what they do and do not cover.

For more information or to book a place on this training, please contact Marta Gajewska: