Please get in touch with a member of our team if you need to purchase tickets.
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Is your business ready for Brexit?
Does your company need a better understanding of customs regimes and how to complete customs declaration forms more efficiently?
After the UK leaves the EU there will be new processes to follow & new forms to complete.
NI Chamber can help.
This one day HMRC approved training course will:
? Demonstrate the gathering of information to complete a customs declaration using various example scenarios, covering both export and import.
? Explore a number of typical problems and common errors when completing declarations.
? Give participants the opportunity to ask questions or raise issues in a small group environment.
Training will take place in NI Chamber offices in Belfast.
Cost for full day course:
• NI Chamber members £280 + VAT
• Non-members £350 + VAT
Price also includes additional complementary access to a 3-hour online training course.
To register please email
More information is available here