#1 ¦ BCC Accreditation Course 2 – International Documentation and Customs Procedures

Please get in touch with a member of our team if you need to purchase tickets.

Your organisation may have exceeded the allocated amount of tickets available per organisation

Funding available: The cost of this course is eligible for funding from HMRC. Businesses that complete customs declarations now have until 31 January 2021 to apply for grant funding to help them increase their capacity to do so. Please contact NI Chamber for more information.

The Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be running the British Chamber of Commerce Accredited Foundation Award in International Trade. Candidates achieving Pass or Merit in any of the modules will receive a certificate in each area. Those who pass a minimum of six modules that will be run over four training days, will achieve a nationally recognised Foundation Award in International Trade.

There is also an option for candidates to enrol for any of the modules without the need to complete any assessments for accreditation purposes.

If enrolling for all four training courses, the total cost for members will be £800 and £1000 for non-members.

For more information on this accreditation and each module, please contact Marta Gajewska marta.gajewska@northernirelandchamber.com