Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce History
Hugh Montgomery
Hugh Montgomery, a Linen Merchant, became President in 1802.

William Sinclair
William Sinclair became President of the Chamber and played a prominent role in the development of the linen industry in Ireland.

Robert Bradshaw
Robert Bradshaw became President in 1807.

James Herdman
James Herdman became President in 1860. He came from Sion Mills in County Tyrone and was amongst the best known in linen weaving.

John Hind
John Hind was President in 1861. With the Mulholland family. He purchased a cotton spinning mill in Francis Street and built a new mill at Henry Street.

Robert Grimshaw
Robert Grimshaw became President in 1857. Robert was a son of Nicholas Grimshaw, from Blackburn, who introduced cotton spinning to Ireland in 1776.

John Andrews
John became President in 1936 and was Northern Ireland’s second Prime Minister from 1940 to 1943.

Sir Edward Archdale
Edward became President in 1929 and was a Minister of Agriculture.

Seventh Marquess of Londonderry
Charles Stewart, seventh Marquess of Londonderry, became President in 1920. He was Leader of the Senate and Minister of Education.

Bro McFerran
Ann McGregor was appointed as Chief Executive and Bro McFerran was elected as Chamber President. The Chamber achieved Investors in People and hosted two keynote events, with Peter Mandelson, Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England.

Francis Martin
NI Chamber hosted the first visit of the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) to Northern Ireland. The Chamber also launched its first ever policy manifesto – a Manifesto for Growth and Jobs and a strategic plan for 2011-2015. Francis Martin, Managing Partner of BDO, was elected as President.

‘Five Leaders 5 Days’ Launch
NI Chamber organised its first “5 Leaders 5 Days” series where Assembly leaders of each political party outlined their plans for jobs and growth to members of the business community. The Chamber also won a number of awards throughout 2011, including two CIM Marketing Excellence Awards. Chief Executive Ann McGregor won a Women in Business Award for Outstanding Management/Leadership.

Mark Nodder
Mark Nodder, Group Managing Director of the Wrights Group, was appointed President. NI Chamber also toasted its 230th Anniversary on 17 April 2012 at a celebration gala ball at Titanic Belfast. In 2012, the Chamber won a CIM UK Award for Best Not for Profit Marketing Campaign. It was crowned as the UK Chamber of the Year against 52 other Chambers from across the UK.

Growing Something Brilliant
NI Chamber rebranded in line with the British Chambers of Commerce, who was announced as a British Superbrand. The rebrand’s most distinguishing feature is the growing “B” logo where B means business and is inspired by growing business networks. The Chamber also launched its “Growing Something Brilliant” campaign aimed at inspiring local businesses to set up, grow and export.

Growing Something Brilliant
Joined by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, Chamber President Mark Nodder launched the initiative in the presence of 200 members of the business community. The First Minister Rt. Hon Peter Robinson, Secretary of State Theresa Villiers and the Ministers for Finance, Employment and Learning, Regional Development and Justice were also in attendance.

Kevin Kingston
NI Chamber moved back to Donegall Square in Belfast after 230 years. In 2014, Kevin Kingston, CEO at Danske Bank, was appointed President.

Past Presidents
NI Chamber’s past presidents can be linked to the development of Northern Ireland’s economy.