Business news

Danske Bank extends charity partnership with Include Youth

Posted By:
Danske Bank

31st Jan 2025

Danske Bank has extended its partnership with local charity Include Youth for a second year.

Over the past year, the partnership has significantly enhanced the lives of care experienced young people through various initiatives and support programs.
As a result of fundraising by Danske Bank employees, enhanced by matched funding, Danske Bank raised more than £71,000 for the charity in 2024. This fundraising supports the charity’s Give and Take programme, which aims to improve the employability and increase the self-esteem and confidence of care experienced young people aged 16 to 24.

Danske Bank also donated 50 laptops to support the delivery of Essential Skills qualifications, while its employees have delivered CV and interview skills sessions, money and budgeting sessions, facilitated workplace tours and donated items such as hygiene care packs, emergency essentials and Christmas gifts.

Katie Hegarty-Biggerstaff an Expert by Experience Youth Mentor at Include Youth. She said:
“The support from Danske has been amazing. The staff have been so willing to help us. On top of the fundraising, an important change has been how easy it now is for young people to open bank accounts, which is something that can often be a barrier. Danske Bank staff have also helped by giving tips and hints for CV and interviews and helping with employability skills. It’s been great for the young people to know they have support from Danske staff cheering them on to fulfil their potential.”

Vicky Davies, Chief Executive at Danske Bank added:
“We’ve had an amazing first year of partnership with Include Youth. The work they do with young people across Northern Ireland is so important. As an organisation, we have a role to play in raising awareness of the challenges facing care-experienced young people and to do what we can to help them build the confidence and skills to move into education or employment. At the same time Include Youth have been delivering training to our colleagues which in turns helps us improve the service we provide to our care experienced customers. We’re looking forward to a great second year of partnership.”

Diane Hill, CEO of Include Youth says the partnership has made a real difference.
“Many young people with care experience may not have received appropriate support or guidance with life skills, and as a result often face numerous barriers in areas such as training, education, employment, and securing accommodation.
“From the very start, it’s been clear that Danske staff genuinely care about our young people’s futures. That commitment helps open doors and create opportunities for these young people and will help create lasting change. On top of the huge variety of fundraising activities, we have been blown away by the staff’s willingness to get involved, from summer packs donations, emergency food hampers, painting our offices, strategic planning days, and going above and beyond for our Christmas appeal. Thank you to everyone at Danske Bank – we’re incredibly proud to be on this journey with you.”