Event Description
Stephanie Singer our Director of Environmental and Technical Services has a passion for supporting the Tourism Industry in Northern Ireland. Following some initial environmental audits completed early 2022 and from speaking to clients and friends in the Tourism industry it because apparent that although there is a general interest in sustainable tourism and saving energy to consequently reduce costs and meet sustainability targets there is a gap in knowledge. It was also made clear that there is a lack of finances in the industry as we recover from Covid 19 downfall. With the lack of finances and knowledge Stephanie has decided to run a free morning networking event. During the event Stephanie will provide a short presentation on sustainable tourism and improvements that can be made to make savings. There will be other speakers on the day and time to network with people form the same industry, a great opportunity to share ideas. You will also have the opportunity to speak to various Quadra Consultants about how to get started on your sustainability journey.
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