
ChangeMaker EDI training

26th Oct 2023 10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Venue: TechStudio at WheelWorks, Unit 4C, Weavers Court, Linfield Rd, Belfast BT12 5GH


Posted By: WheelWorks Arts

28th Sep 2023

Event Description

Wheelworks Arts is proud to announce the launch of ChangeMaker – a unique way of looking at equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace.

As awareness of EDI concepts grows, so does the need for training that not only fulfils your organisation’s legal requirements but also helps to create a truly inclusive working environment that boosts productivity.

Facilitated by two industry professionals, ChangeMaker uses art techniques in a coaching framework to explore perceptions, stereotypes, and misconceptions, with a view to understanding the values, heritage, biases, and experiences of others. It also highlights how many of these perspectives may be unintentional, unconscious, and often unchallenged.

This introspective approach makes ChangeMaker a transformative learning experience.

For more info, contact business@wheelworksarts.com

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