Event Description
Join us for a small roundtable focused on the critical role of business values in fostering employee well-being and driving organisational success.
This roundtable will explore the SUPPORT business values framework, developed through in-depth research and case studies, which outlines seven key values that underpin psychologically healthy and safe workplaces.
Attendees are encouraged to share insights, discuss challenges, and reflect on the importance of integrating well-being into strategic business decisions.
What the event will explore
The session will explore how adopting a values-driven approach can enhance workplace culture, improve productivity, and strengthen leadership impact.
- How do you currently incorporate your organisation’s core values into employee well-being initiatives, and what aspects of the SUPPORT framework resonate most with your leadership style?
- What challenges do you foresee in implementing a values-driven approach, like the SUPPORT framework, in your organisation, and how might it enhance your strategic decisions related to employee well-being?
This seminar will provide an opportunity to hear from our experts at Queen’s University Belfast and discuss specific areas of interest for you and your company, in a small group setting.
This event will include a Q&A roundtable session after the presentation.
Please note that this will be a small roundtable, informal event. Spaces will be limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
Please RSVP by Friday 15 November to portia.ellis-woods@qub.ac.uk indicating any special dietary requirements.
About the event speaker
Dr Juliet Hassard
Reader and Director of Postgraduate Research, Queen’s Business School
Dr. Juliet Hassard is an applied workplace psychologist with expertise in work, health, and productivity. Her research focuses on the design and development of psychologically safe and healthy workplaces through working systems, management and leadership practices, and organisational policies.
She specialises in the impact, management, and prevention of work-related stress through prevention-orientated strategies. Currently, her research examines the causal link between workplace mental health and well-being practices and employee productivity. Dr. Hassard has published her work in top-tier journals, including the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology and Work & Stress.
She has also consulted on these issues for a range of high-profile organisations, including the UK government, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, the European Work Council, and the European Forum of Insurance against Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases. Her research has contributed to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work’s Healthy Workplace Campaign: “Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress” (2014-2015).
In recognition of her contributions to the understanding of work-related stress prevention, Dr. Hassard was awarded an early career achievement award in 2021 by the American Psychological Association, US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and the Society for Occupational Health Psychology.
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